Thank goodness this month is over.
I hope my running gets better in July. I plan on working on it, at least. I need to increase my mileage again and stay injury-free and healthy. That alone is a challenge, it seems.
So I rode the bike and managed a short run this evening. It was pretty decent. I plan on running again tomorrow and then doing Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday runs.
I really don't have much else to say tonight. So I guess I'll sign off here.
Today's stats:
Time: 20 minutes
Distance: 5.03 miles
Distance: two miles
Time: 21:28
Pace: 10:43 minute/mile
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Muddling through... last lab report of the weekend.
It took me a few hours to do the first report last night. This one shouldn't take nearly as long, but now I have to get on it as it's now 10:30 p.m.
Until later...
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
It took me a few hours to do the first report last night. This one shouldn't take nearly as long, but now I have to get on it as it's now 10:30 p.m.
Until later...
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Friday, June 27, 2008
Smoky skies
We're finally seeing smoke from all the wildfires burning in Humboldt and Trinity counties. It started wafting in this morning, and by evening the sun looked red and ominous. And the air is just icky brown. Luckily it doesn't smell too much like smoke out there, but that could change. I am still hoping for a long evening run tomorrow, but if the smoke gets worse I might just opt for an indoor workout instead.
I'll be taking the kids to the zoo tomorrow morning. We'll be meeting MooMa (grandma) there, and then she and Papa will take the kids for the night. Yeah! It won't be all party-time for me, though. I'll be finishing my two lab reports that are due Monday, as well as meeting with Kristen to study for our first test. We only have six weeks left of summer school. It will be over before I know it.
Today's stats:
Distance: 7.3 miles
Time: 30 minutes
I'll be taking the kids to the zoo tomorrow morning. We'll be meeting MooMa (grandma) there, and then she and Papa will take the kids for the night. Yeah! It won't be all party-time for me, though. I'll be finishing my two lab reports that are due Monday, as well as meeting with Kristen to study for our first test. We only have six weeks left of summer school. It will be over before I know it.
Today's stats:
Distance: 7.3 miles
Time: 30 minutes
Thursday, June 26, 2008
June has been a rotten running month
Well, for me, at least.
Between being sick, starting summer session at school and feeling like a lazy bum, June has been craptacular in terms of my running. I haven't put many miles in, and the miles I have managed haven't been spectacular (outside of the race PR I set a few weeks ago). It feels like June's just going to be a write-off for me in terms of working out.
I need to get serious again about HM training, since my next one is in October. I really want to post a faster time than I did in my first HM last month. I know it is totally possible (especially if I don't fall again), but I need to start getting some good mileage under my belt again. I think next week I will start working on this, although it will be a challenge with my current schedule. I'll just have to take things day by day.
I took the kiddos to the park today, but not before doing an elliptical workout. It was OK. This evening, I decided to go for a run. I was planning on two miles at first. Then I figured I'd do 30 minutes and stop. Well, once I got to that point, I opted to run three miles. Then I stopped. I was pretty close to home and wanted to walk a little. It was a pretty good run, but the numbers weren't outstanding or anything (oh, and I somehow got Garmin to work again. Not sure how, but I'm not going to question it). I just wanted to get some running in today. I am hoping to do a "longer" run on Saturday (like four or five miles, max.). I guess I just have to build back up to where I was before we went on vacation last month.
Things could be so much worse, though. If we lived in the Redding area (our former home), we'd be choking on the smoke coming from dozens of fires currently burning in Northern California. I remember fire season very well when I was a reporter there, and how awful it was to be near a fire and have to breathe in that smoke. Ick. My parents, in Auburn, are also dealing with tons of smoke from other fires down in their area. Speaking of Auburn, the annual Western States Endurance Run has been canceled for this weekend due to the close proximity of some of the fires and poor air quality. I feel badly for those runners who have trained all year for this 100-mile race, but it's better to call it off and keep everyone safe. Total bummer, though. Thanks, freakin' thunderstorms and dry lightning.
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 33:31
Pace: 11:10 minute/mile
Between being sick, starting summer session at school and feeling like a lazy bum, June has been craptacular in terms of my running. I haven't put many miles in, and the miles I have managed haven't been spectacular (outside of the race PR I set a few weeks ago). It feels like June's just going to be a write-off for me in terms of working out.
I need to get serious again about HM training, since my next one is in October. I really want to post a faster time than I did in my first HM last month. I know it is totally possible (especially if I don't fall again), but I need to start getting some good mileage under my belt again. I think next week I will start working on this, although it will be a challenge with my current schedule. I'll just have to take things day by day.
I took the kiddos to the park today, but not before doing an elliptical workout. It was OK. This evening, I decided to go for a run. I was planning on two miles at first. Then I figured I'd do 30 minutes and stop. Well, once I got to that point, I opted to run three miles. Then I stopped. I was pretty close to home and wanted to walk a little. It was a pretty good run, but the numbers weren't outstanding or anything (oh, and I somehow got Garmin to work again. Not sure how, but I'm not going to question it). I just wanted to get some running in today. I am hoping to do a "longer" run on Saturday (like four or five miles, max.). I guess I just have to build back up to where I was before we went on vacation last month.
Things could be so much worse, though. If we lived in the Redding area (our former home), we'd be choking on the smoke coming from dozens of fires currently burning in Northern California. I remember fire season very well when I was a reporter there, and how awful it was to be near a fire and have to breathe in that smoke. Ick. My parents, in Auburn, are also dealing with tons of smoke from other fires down in their area. Speaking of Auburn, the annual Western States Endurance Run has been canceled for this weekend due to the close proximity of some of the fires and poor air quality. I feel badly for those runners who have trained all year for this 100-mile race, but it's better to call it off and keep everyone safe. Total bummer, though. Thanks, freakin' thunderstorms and dry lightning.
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 33:31
Pace: 11:10 minute/mile
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Back to the blogosphere
Thanks for sticking with me!
I am back and feeling better. Thank goodness, because life is busy right now.
I just finished my second week of summer school. Now I have two lab reports to type up before Monday. I am really loving physio so far, and a lot of it is stuff we learned in anatomy, so I feel very good about it! I also got a 10 out of 10 on my first lab report, so yay! We have our first test next week.
I am aiming for an elliptical workout tonight after dinner. I haven't worked out one lick since last Thursday, but it was pretty low on my priority list since I felt like death last weekend. I hope to go out for a short run in the morning, too.
I am back and feeling better. Thank goodness, because life is busy right now.
I just finished my second week of summer school. Now I have two lab reports to type up before Monday. I am really loving physio so far, and a lot of it is stuff we learned in anatomy, so I feel very good about it! I also got a 10 out of 10 on my first lab report, so yay! We have our first test next week.
I am aiming for an elliptical workout tonight after dinner. I haven't worked out one lick since last Thursday, but it was pretty low on my priority list since I felt like death last weekend. I hope to go out for a short run in the morning, too.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I have another...
..sinus infection.
'Nuff said.
I have been miserable for days (literally spent all day yesterday and much of today in bed), but at least I am on antibiotics now. Still waiting to start feeling human again.
Until that happens, I will be somewhere other than here.
'Nuff said.
I have been miserable for days (literally spent all day yesterday and much of today in bed), but at least I am on antibiotics now. Still waiting to start feeling human again.
Until that happens, I will be somewhere other than here.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I'm dyin' here
OMg, these allergies are killing me. Seriously, I don't think I have ever suffered during allergy season the way I am this year. Even taking meds isn't doing much. Tonight I am a mess tonight, with painful sneezing, a sore throat, runny nose (that is often stuffy, too, grrr).
At least I got a workout in tonight, before I started feeling really bad again. Of course, my time outdoors running probably contributed to my ill health tonight. I guess I need to make a little bubble to live inside during this time of the year.
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 7.24 miles
followed by a run:
Distance: 2.05 miles
Time: 22:38
Pace: 11:02 minute/mile
At least I got a workout in tonight, before I started feeling really bad again. Of course, my time outdoors running probably contributed to my ill health tonight. I guess I need to make a little bubble to live inside during this time of the year.
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 7.24 miles
followed by a run:
Distance: 2.05 miles
Time: 22:38
Pace: 11:02 minute/mile
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sorry, Erin!!
I was tagged by Erin eons ago, but I have been putting the blog on the back burner the past few days due to 1) illness (mine and the kids) and 2) school, which started in earnest yesterday. I have school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for 4 1/2 hours a day until August 6.
Anyway, I am taking a few minutes to tie up loose ends here because the kids are down for rest/nap time. So here are the questions I must answer, since I have been tagged:
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
Well, 10 years ago I had just graduated from college for the first time and still had a buff bod thanks to two years on the rowing team. I still ran several times a week, although there really was no rhyme or reason to it then. I wasn't training for anything anymore and wasn't into running races yet. I also wasn't into keeping track of all the stats I keep now, such as mileage, pace, etc. That is a recent obsession on my part.
2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
My best race experience was when I ran my first HM last month. The sense of accomplishment I had as I crossed the finish line was something I had never experienced before. Worst experience? Crossing that damn raging river during this year's Trinidad to Clam Beach Run, for sure!
3. Why do you run?
Because I love the runner's high. LOL. It makes me feel like a track star when in reality I am anything but.
4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
The best advice was to not skimp on running shoes! Having good running shoes makes SUCH a difference! I can't think of any bad advice, really.
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
I hate wearing dresses! I have never liked my legs, and I can't cover them in a dress, so I always wear pants.
So that's it, folks!
I am planning on a track run after Tim gets home. It is long overdue! I did work out this morning, too.
I did go running at the track this evening. I only did two miles, as it has been a while since my last run and I am still recovering from my injury. Thank goodness I went to the track, as I believe my Garmin is officially dead. I made sure he was plugged in all night, and was still plugged in when I plucked him off the stand (he said "battery charging complete" so I figured it was OK). But when I tried to turn him on when I arrived at the track ... nothing. No signs of life at all. So I need to contact the company to find out how to get him fixed. Until I do, I am thinking I'll be seeing more of the track.
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: two miles
Time: don't know
Anyway, I am taking a few minutes to tie up loose ends here because the kids are down for rest/nap time. So here are the questions I must answer, since I have been tagged:
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
Well, 10 years ago I had just graduated from college for the first time and still had a buff bod thanks to two years on the rowing team. I still ran several times a week, although there really was no rhyme or reason to it then. I wasn't training for anything anymore and wasn't into running races yet. I also wasn't into keeping track of all the stats I keep now, such as mileage, pace, etc. That is a recent obsession on my part.
2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
My best race experience was when I ran my first HM last month. The sense of accomplishment I had as I crossed the finish line was something I had never experienced before. Worst experience? Crossing that damn raging river during this year's Trinidad to Clam Beach Run, for sure!
3. Why do you run?
Because I love the runner's high. LOL. It makes me feel like a track star when in reality I am anything but.
4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
The best advice was to not skimp on running shoes! Having good running shoes makes SUCH a difference! I can't think of any bad advice, really.
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
I hate wearing dresses! I have never liked my legs, and I can't cover them in a dress, so I always wear pants.
So that's it, folks!
I am planning on a track run after Tim gets home. It is long overdue! I did work out this morning, too.
I did go running at the track this evening. I only did two miles, as it has been a while since my last run and I am still recovering from my injury. Thank goodness I went to the track, as I believe my Garmin is officially dead. I made sure he was plugged in all night, and was still plugged in when I plucked him off the stand (he said "battery charging complete" so I figured it was OK). But when I tried to turn him on when I arrived at the track ... nothing. No signs of life at all. So I need to contact the company to find out how to get him fixed. Until I do, I am thinking I'll be seeing more of the track.
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: two miles
Time: don't know
Monday, June 16, 2008
Starting the day off right
Today is my first official day of summer school! Physio, here I come!
I had an awful time sleeping last night (school day jitters, I am sure) so I ended up getting up a few minutes before 7 a.m. to work out. I did 20 minutes on the bike, followed bu 20 minutes on the elliptical. I am a sweaty mess right now. But it felt really good to exercise again, even though I still don't feel 100 percent.
I'm off to shower and eat breakfast before I head out of here for the day. Wish me luck!
Today's stats:
Time: 20 minutes
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 20 minutes
I had an awful time sleeping last night (school day jitters, I am sure) so I ended up getting up a few minutes before 7 a.m. to work out. I did 20 minutes on the bike, followed bu 20 minutes on the elliptical. I am a sweaty mess right now. But it felt really good to exercise again, even though I still don't feel 100 percent.
I'm off to shower and eat breakfast before I head out of here for the day. Wish me luck!
Today's stats:
Time: 20 minutes
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 20 minutes
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Wishing all the Daddies out there....
...a very Happy Father's Day!!
I hope everyone is having a fabulous day! I know my own dad had to go to the office today (boo!) after being really sick yesterday, but I hope he ended up having a good day anyway!
As for me, I am home with the kids, who are both not feeling well. I have been sick a few days too, although I think I am starting to get better. I start school tomorrow, so I'd better be OK! Tim is off at a family barbecue, so I'll just have to pick his brain when he gets home. I wish I was there instead of here! ;-)
Probably no workout today. I hope to get this train back on track tomorrow.
I hope everyone is having a fabulous day! I know my own dad had to go to the office today (boo!) after being really sick yesterday, but I hope he ended up having a good day anyway!
As for me, I am home with the kids, who are both not feeling well. I have been sick a few days too, although I think I am starting to get better. I start school tomorrow, so I'd better be OK! Tim is off at a family barbecue, so I'll just have to pick his brain when he gets home. I wish I was there instead of here! ;-)
Probably no workout today. I hope to get this train back on track tomorrow.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
No running today
Just when things seem to be going well, silly ol' me has to go and pull a deep muscle in my hip area. I went to the chiropractor yesterday, and he said to lay off the running for a few days. That sucks because I want to run, but I know it's best not to. I still want to use the elliptical tonight because I don't have pain when I use that machine. We'll see.
My days of summer are coming to an end, and it's not even "officially" summer yet. I start summer school on Monday and I hope I will have as much fun as I did in anatomy. Maybe I'll try early morning runs again on the days I have school (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). I really wish I was a morning person. It would make my life easier to get that stuff done earlier in the day.
OK, I may or may not come back on later with a workout update.
My days of summer are coming to an end, and it's not even "officially" summer yet. I start summer school on Monday and I hope I will have as much fun as I did in anatomy. Maybe I'll try early morning runs again on the days I have school (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). I really wish I was a morning person. It would make my life easier to get that stuff done earlier in the day.
OK, I may or may not come back on later with a workout update.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Top Chef finale!
I am watching the Top Chef finale right now. Still about 10 minutes until the winner is named (darn West Coast times!).
I rode the bike for a slow 10 miles while watching.
Be back tomorrow...
Today's stats:
Distance: 10 miles
Time: 40:36
I rode the bike for a slow 10 miles while watching.
Be back tomorrow...
Today's stats:
Distance: 10 miles
Time: 40:36
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
How do you say "Bite me" nicely?
Short post today, but I just have to comment on the rich arsehole featured on "House Hunters" last night.
This dude (along with his irritating, bratty teenage daughter) was looking for a new house and narrowed the search down to three huge houses worth more than $1 million each. When he was going over the pros and cons of each house, he spouted off this priceless ditty regarding one house:
"On the downside, the pool was the wrong color."
Um, OK. But guess what? The jerkface eventually picked that house.
Today's stats:
Time: 45 minutes (total body workout)
This dude (along with his irritating, bratty teenage daughter) was looking for a new house and narrowed the search down to three huge houses worth more than $1 million each. When he was going over the pros and cons of each house, he spouted off this priceless ditty regarding one house:
"On the downside, the pool was the wrong color."
Um, OK. But guess what? The jerkface eventually picked that house.
Today's stats:
Time: 45 minutes (total body workout)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Need advice about my "girls" from my girls
I had a nice workout today. A lot of it was meant to be "recovery" from that race on Saturday. The weather was nice and warm when I went out for my run this afternoon. The coastal fog rolled in during the last 30 minutes and it will be getting chilly again.
Anyway, I need some advice from my xx chromosome peeps here. (*note* If you don't feel comfortable reading about a certain part of a women's anatomy, stop here. Likewise, if you thoroughly enjoy reading about a certain part of a women's anatomy, stop here).
That being said, I have an issue with my "ladies" when I run. These darn things bounce around like water balloons under my shirt, and I am getting tired of it. They're not even that big -- a basic C cup -- but they seem to be move "active" when I run now than before. What is the deal with that? I have resorted to wearing two sports bras at once to help with the jiggling, but I don't want to do that forever.
So, my fellow chesty runners, I need your help. Has anyone found a really good sports bra they can recommend? I really want something that will hold them in place but not make me feel like I am being suffocated at the chest. I personally don't care what they look like. It could be the butt-ugliest bra ever, as long as it works well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!! :-)
Today's stats:
Time: 20 minutes
Distance: 5.03 miles
followed by a run:
Distance: four miles
Time: 46:36
Pace: 11:36 minute/mile
Anyway, I need some advice from my xx chromosome peeps here. (*note* If you don't feel comfortable reading about a certain part of a women's anatomy, stop here. Likewise, if you thoroughly enjoy reading about a certain part of a women's anatomy, stop here).
That being said, I have an issue with my "ladies" when I run. These darn things bounce around like water balloons under my shirt, and I am getting tired of it. They're not even that big -- a basic C cup -- but they seem to be move "active" when I run now than before. What is the deal with that? I have resorted to wearing two sports bras at once to help with the jiggling, but I don't want to do that forever.
So, my fellow chesty runners, I need your help. Has anyone found a really good sports bra they can recommend? I really want something that will hold them in place but not make me feel like I am being suffocated at the chest. I personally don't care what they look like. It could be the butt-ugliest bra ever, as long as it works well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!! :-)
Today's stats:
Time: 20 minutes
Distance: 5.03 miles
followed by a run:
Distance: four miles
Time: 46:36
Pace: 11:36 minute/mile
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Curse of the allergies
Man, I have been suffering lately.
My allergies are in full-swing, and it has been a while since they've been *this* bad.
After my race yesterday, I spent hours with itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing fits and that overall feeling of crap (and a general hatred toward all flora).
And I know what you're thinking. Why on earth was I posing next to a ginormous bouquet of fragrant (chokingly fragrant) flowers just after the race yesterday? Well, Tim's sweet Grandma Betty gave Kara and myself those flowers, which she was selling at the farmer's market. I gladly accepted them (still riding a post-race high, which impaired my reasoning), not thinking they would be the WORST thing to be around with these allergies of mine.
Trust me, those pretty little flowers kicked my allergic ass on the way home. They've been banned from the house now.
It seems the only thing that really helps is Benadryl, but it makes me so freakin' tired and sluggish. I take it at bedtime, and it works like a charm (read: it knocks me out). I can't spend every day in that allergy drug fog, although sometimes it doesn't sound too bad (kidding, Dad!).
I bought some Sudafed today, and it did an OK job with my symptoms. And I do appreciate the non-drowsy formula.
So it looks like a continual stream of antihistamines and decongestants will have course through my veins until all the plants that I am allergic to (like, every plant known to man) are done reproducing for the season.
Now off to take my Benadryl. My poor eyes are starting to itch and weep again. *sigh*
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
My allergies are in full-swing, and it has been a while since they've been *this* bad.
After my race yesterday, I spent hours with itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing fits and that overall feeling of crap (and a general hatred toward all flora).
And I know what you're thinking. Why on earth was I posing next to a ginormous bouquet of fragrant (chokingly fragrant) flowers just after the race yesterday? Well, Tim's sweet Grandma Betty gave Kara and myself those flowers, which she was selling at the farmer's market. I gladly accepted them (still riding a post-race high, which impaired my reasoning), not thinking they would be the WORST thing to be around with these allergies of mine.
Trust me, those pretty little flowers kicked my allergic ass on the way home. They've been banned from the house now.
It seems the only thing that really helps is Benadryl, but it makes me so freakin' tired and sluggish. I take it at bedtime, and it works like a charm (read: it knocks me out). I can't spend every day in that allergy drug fog, although sometimes it doesn't sound too bad (kidding, Dad!).
I bought some Sudafed today, and it did an OK job with my symptoms. And I do appreciate the non-drowsy formula.
So it looks like a continual stream of antihistamines and decongestants will have course through my veins until all the plants that I am allergic to (like, every plant known to man) are done reproducing for the season.
Now off to take my Benadryl. My poor eyes are starting to itch and weep again. *sigh*
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Tonight I'm gonna party... it's 19:49!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ran the two-mile race Atalanta's Victory Run this morning, and am quite happy to say I set another PR for this distance!
If you didn't see the above, my official finish time was 19:49.
My splits were almost identical (within a couple seconds of each other, according to Garmin, unlike last year where I started out really strong and finished my second mile a whole minute slower), and my overall pace was 9:54 minute/mile.
I beat last year's time by 12 seconds! Talk about thrilling for me!
And I did win an award in my age division. A couple speedy McSpeedersons (as Marcy would say) showed up, but I still finished third in my age division (and yes, there were more than three in my division) and brought home another pin.
So yay!!!
I don't have an "organized" race report, as it is such a short race. I mean, not a lot really went through my mind during those two miles, except "Please let me PR" and "Hope I don't pass out/throw up/die." There was one young girl (like maybe around seven or eight) who fell a few yards in front of me and scraped her knee about 1/2 mile into the race, but she eventually got up and ran it off. I think she came back to pass me (as did her mom -- they were fast!) and finish before I did.
Of course, Kara tripped and fell on our way back to the van after everything was over, and she had a hysterical crying fit for about 15 minutes. And she just BARELY scraped her knee. She was convinced it was going to kill her, I guess. Luckily, her MooMa (grandma) cleaned it up and she was able to walk again (her words). It's a miracle!! *wink*
Updated to add pics:
The kids sticking to me like glue pre-race:

The sea of "womanity" taking off:

Here I come!:

Kara and Mommy at the Arcata Farmer's Market afterward:

Today's stats:
Atalanta's Victory Run:
Distance: two miles
Time: 19:49 (PR! PR! PR!!)
Pace: 9:54 minute/mile (Another PR!)
Finished 36 out of 219
Finished 3 out of 21 in age division
I ran the two-mile race Atalanta's Victory Run this morning, and am quite happy to say I set another PR for this distance!
If you didn't see the above, my official finish time was 19:49.
My splits were almost identical (within a couple seconds of each other, according to Garmin, unlike last year where I started out really strong and finished my second mile a whole minute slower), and my overall pace was 9:54 minute/mile.
I beat last year's time by 12 seconds! Talk about thrilling for me!
And I did win an award in my age division. A couple speedy McSpeedersons (as Marcy would say) showed up, but I still finished third in my age division (and yes, there were more than three in my division) and brought home another pin.
So yay!!!
I don't have an "organized" race report, as it is such a short race. I mean, not a lot really went through my mind during those two miles, except "Please let me PR" and "Hope I don't pass out/throw up/die." There was one young girl (like maybe around seven or eight) who fell a few yards in front of me and scraped her knee about 1/2 mile into the race, but she eventually got up and ran it off. I think she came back to pass me (as did her mom -- they were fast!) and finish before I did.
Of course, Kara tripped and fell on our way back to the van after everything was over, and she had a hysterical crying fit for about 15 minutes. And she just BARELY scraped her knee. She was convinced it was going to kill her, I guess. Luckily, her MooMa (grandma) cleaned it up and she was able to walk again (her words). It's a miracle!! *wink*
Updated to add pics:
The kids sticking to me like glue pre-race:
The sea of "womanity" taking off:
Here I come!:
Kara and Mommy at the Arcata Farmer's Market afterward:
Today's stats:
Atalanta's Victory Run:
Distance: two miles
Time: 19:49 (PR! PR! PR!!)
Pace: 9:54 minute/mile (Another PR!)
Finished 36 out of 219
Finished 3 out of 21 in age division
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I have a bunch of random thoughts swirling around in this brain of mine tonight.
1) I have a race on Saturday and am quite excited about it. I am hoping to PR at the two-mile distance (not that far, I know) and I will be striving to win first in my age division like I did last year. So let's hope the fast women my age are doing the five-miler (please, pretty please).
2) Join me in giving lots of GOOD LUCK vibes to my sister-in-law Becky, who is doing her first tri this weekend. It's the Danskin Women's Triathlon in Austin, TX. I know she will do a bang-up job!! Now this leads me to...
2.5) Am I the only one here who isn't really thinking about doing a tri? It seems so many of my fellow runners have transitioned to tris recently. I have entertained the thought once or twice, then I remembered the deal breaker: it involves swimming. For those of you who don't know, I have a water phobia and don't like to be water it if I can't touch the bottom and have my head above the surface. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety. I was the ONLY rower on the team in college who didn't know how to swim, but I was allowed to stay because they didn't realize that until my varsity year and I was a fast rower (MUCH faster than I am as a runner!!). And I did take a few swim lessons in college (after my lack of water savvy was "discovered"), but that didn't help ease my fear. So unless triathlons change format and nix the swimming part, I don't think I will be doing one anytime soon.
3) I want to go back to Disneyland already. It was such a blast and went by too quickly. Sometimes I think it would be neat to live near Disneyland and get a season pass so we could go whenever we wanted. Of course, my lungs would suffer thanks to the stellar air quality down there. And Anaheim water tastes like ass.
4) I want to clarify one thing about the birthday party Kara and I went to last Sunday. Even though it was on the early side, we still had a good time and it was worth it. For some reason it never crossed my mind that my friend might actually READ this blog (don't know if she did or not), but I don't want her to get the idea that I wasn't glad she invited us. Her twin girls who had the party are two of the most awesome eight-year-olds I know, and I would feel crappy if me griping about something so insignificant got back to them or her. Love you guys! :-)
5) The cost of gasoline here makes me want to barf. Seriously, almost all the stations in our town is selling the cheapest grade for $4.57-$4.59 a gallon. Oops, threw up in my mouth a little. It wouldn't be so bad if we lived in an area where there were lots of options in regards to mass transit, but we don't. So depressing.
Today's stats:
Distance: 5.47 miles
Time: 20 minutes
followed by a run:
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 34:15
Pace: 11:04 minute/mile
1) I have a race on Saturday and am quite excited about it. I am hoping to PR at the two-mile distance (not that far, I know) and I will be striving to win first in my age division like I did last year. So let's hope the fast women my age are doing the five-miler (please, pretty please).
2) Join me in giving lots of GOOD LUCK vibes to my sister-in-law Becky, who is doing her first tri this weekend. It's the Danskin Women's Triathlon in Austin, TX. I know she will do a bang-up job!! Now this leads me to...
2.5) Am I the only one here who isn't really thinking about doing a tri? It seems so many of my fellow runners have transitioned to tris recently. I have entertained the thought once or twice, then I remembered the deal breaker: it involves swimming. For those of you who don't know, I have a water phobia and don't like to be water it if I can't touch the bottom and have my head above the surface. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety. I was the ONLY rower on the team in college who didn't know how to swim, but I was allowed to stay because they didn't realize that until my varsity year and I was a fast rower (MUCH faster than I am as a runner!!). And I did take a few swim lessons in college (after my lack of water savvy was "discovered"), but that didn't help ease my fear. So unless triathlons change format and nix the swimming part, I don't think I will be doing one anytime soon.
3) I want to go back to Disneyland already. It was such a blast and went by too quickly. Sometimes I think it would be neat to live near Disneyland and get a season pass so we could go whenever we wanted. Of course, my lungs would suffer thanks to the stellar air quality down there. And Anaheim water tastes like ass.
4) I want to clarify one thing about the birthday party Kara and I went to last Sunday. Even though it was on the early side, we still had a good time and it was worth it. For some reason it never crossed my mind that my friend might actually READ this blog (don't know if she did or not), but I don't want her to get the idea that I wasn't glad she invited us. Her twin girls who had the party are two of the most awesome eight-year-olds I know, and I would feel crappy if me griping about something so insignificant got back to them or her. Love you guys! :-)
5) The cost of gasoline here makes me want to barf. Seriously, almost all the stations in our town is selling the cheapest grade for $4.57-$4.59 a gallon. Oops, threw up in my mouth a little. It wouldn't be so bad if we lived in an area where there were lots of options in regards to mass transit, but we don't. So depressing.
Today's stats:
Distance: 5.47 miles
Time: 20 minutes
followed by a run:
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 34:15
Pace: 11:04 minute/mile
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sleepy me
I felt super sleepy today. Not sure why, but maybe it's this cloudy, windy, chilly weather. Sure, the sun popped out for a few minutes here today, but that's not enough to bring me out of hibernation, apparently.
I realized I haven't finished sharing our Disneyland pics yet. Here are a few from California Adventure:
California Screamin' coaster (which takes you from a dead stop to 55 mph in 4.7 seconds) and the Sun Wheel:

One of the photos of us on California Screamin'. There's a camera mounted around one of the turns that takes your pic. Once we figured out where it was, we posed just about every time we rode (six in all -- very addictive ride!). This time, Tim and I both did "Hook 'em Horns" and had just about the same look on our faces, but we had no idea the other would be doing it. Funny, no?:

The bear (we think?) carved out of "stone" which looms over the Grizzly Rapids ride:

People on the rapids ride, getting ready to be drenched by a geyser (we went on this ride once and got soaked!):

Walking down the backlot area:

The front entrance at night (you can see the Golden Gate Bridge replica, which we hear is going to be removed soon):

The last self-portrait we took on our vacation (with Tim giving the camera the zombie eye):

Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
I realized I haven't finished sharing our Disneyland pics yet. Here are a few from California Adventure:
California Screamin' coaster (which takes you from a dead stop to 55 mph in 4.7 seconds) and the Sun Wheel:
One of the photos of us on California Screamin'. There's a camera mounted around one of the turns that takes your pic. Once we figured out where it was, we posed just about every time we rode (six in all -- very addictive ride!). This time, Tim and I both did "Hook 'em Horns" and had just about the same look on our faces, but we had no idea the other would be doing it. Funny, no?:
The bear (we think?) carved out of "stone" which looms over the Grizzly Rapids ride:
People on the rapids ride, getting ready to be drenched by a geyser (we went on this ride once and got soaked!):
Walking down the backlot area:
The front entrance at night (you can see the Golden Gate Bridge replica, which we hear is going to be removed soon):
The last self-portrait we took on our vacation (with Tim giving the camera the zombie eye):
Today's stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Why won't my Garmin hold a charge?
This is kinda irritating.
I went out for a run this afternoon, and my Garmin died. Again.
I noticed it had been knocked off the charger this morning. I didn't think anything else of it until I turned it on right before my run and it said the battery was low. It had been charging for a few days prior (I know it was on the base last night) and I hadn't used it since last Wednesday.
What the hell?
Seems to me that if it had been charged, which it had, and hadn't been used, that it would be able to go for a short run and not conk out on me, right?
Not so much. Garmin died right before I finished my first mile today. And that sucks because I was freakin' ROCKIN' the first mile. Like at a sub-10-minute pace for a lot of it. Grrrr....
Does anyone else have this issue?
So I had to guess on my distance (I was supposed to do three miles today) and I kept track of the songs I was listening to so I could add up the total number of minutes for an approximate finish time.
So here's what I got, thanks to
Today's stats:
Distance: 3.23 miles
Time: 34:30
Pace: 10:40 minute/mile
(I also did a bike ride before the run):
Distance: 5.28 miles
Time: 20 minutes
During my walk home, I stopped at the elementary school and voted. Not many other voters there, to be sure. The poll workers looked beyond bored and they all jumped at the chance to help me. So yay for good service! LOL! There was only one thing really worth voting for, but I am trying to kick myself into voting more often than I do. Gotta do my civic duty, right?
I went out for a run this afternoon, and my Garmin died. Again.
I noticed it had been knocked off the charger this morning. I didn't think anything else of it until I turned it on right before my run and it said the battery was low. It had been charging for a few days prior (I know it was on the base last night) and I hadn't used it since last Wednesday.
What the hell?
Seems to me that if it had been charged, which it had, and hadn't been used, that it would be able to go for a short run and not conk out on me, right?
Not so much. Garmin died right before I finished my first mile today. And that sucks because I was freakin' ROCKIN' the first mile. Like at a sub-10-minute pace for a lot of it. Grrrr....
Does anyone else have this issue?
So I had to guess on my distance (I was supposed to do three miles today) and I kept track of the songs I was listening to so I could add up the total number of minutes for an approximate finish time.
So here's what I got, thanks to
Today's stats:
Distance: 3.23 miles
Time: 34:30
Pace: 10:40 minute/mile
(I also did a bike ride before the run):
Distance: 5.28 miles
Time: 20 minutes
During my walk home, I stopped at the elementary school and voted. Not many other voters there, to be sure. The poll workers looked beyond bored and they all jumped at the chance to help me. So yay for good service! LOL! There was only one thing really worth voting for, but I am trying to kick myself into voting more often than I do. Gotta do my civic duty, right?
Monday, June 2, 2008
This weather is making my head hurt
Today is the first day we've seen sunshine since we came home last Monday. The weather has been a gloomy mix of clouds, fog and cool temperatures. My head has been aching because of it. I think part of it is my allergies, too, but I've been taking my allergy medicine and my head has still been hurting.
I scrapped my weekend run yesterday. I took Kara to a birthday party at 9 a.m. (WAAAAAY too early for ANY kind of party, IMO, and the cake didn't make up for it because I didn't eat any; however I will add we DID have fun at the party and it was for two of the neatest eight-year-old twin girls I know) and then we spent most of the day in Eureka. It was a fun Mommy/daughter outing. By the time I got home and unloaded the van, I was wiped. I took a nap. I think I really needed it. When I woke up, it was dinner time and I was starving, so the run took a backseat.
I am planning a nice three-miler later this evening and one on Wednesday. There's no reason to do a long run before my race on Saturday, since it's only two miles. Practically a sprint.
Today's stats (so far):
Time: 30 minutes (body toning program 2)
I scrapped my weekend run yesterday. I took Kara to a birthday party at 9 a.m. (WAAAAAY too early for ANY kind of party, IMO, and the cake didn't make up for it because I didn't eat any; however I will add we DID have fun at the party and it was for two of the neatest eight-year-old twin girls I know) and then we spent most of the day in Eureka. It was a fun Mommy/daughter outing. By the time I got home and unloaded the van, I was wiped. I took a nap. I think I really needed it. When I woke up, it was dinner time and I was starving, so the run took a backseat.
I am planning a nice three-miler later this evening and one on Wednesday. There's no reason to do a long run before my race on Saturday, since it's only two miles. Practically a sprint.
Today's stats (so far):
Time: 30 minutes (body toning program 2)
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